# This is the config file for the catalyst-auto script. It should be pretty # self-explanatory. ARCH="sparc" TYPE="auto" host="$(hostname)" source /etc/catalyst/release/build.env SPECS_DIR=${REPO_DIR}/releases/weekly/specs/sparc/sparc64 SETS="default" SET_default_SPECS="stage1.spec stage2.spec stage3.spec" SET_default_OPTIONAL_SPECS="installcd-stage1.spec installcd-stage2-minimal.spec" #SET_multilib_SPECS="multilib/stage1.spec multilib/stage2.spec multilib/stage3.spec" KCONFIG_DIR=${REPO_DIR}/releases/weekly/kconfig/sparc EXTENSIONS="[.tar.xz,.tar.bz2,.tar.gz,.tar,.sfs]" give_latest_from_dates() { sed 's,-20,~20,g' | \ sort -k +1 -n -t '~' |\ awk -F\~ \ 'BEGIN{i=$1; o=$0}; { if($1 != i && i != "") { print o; }; i=$1; o=$0; } END { print o; };' | \ tr '~' '-' } update_symlinks() { # Symlink the latest stages3 to build from for d in ${BUILD_SRCDIR_BASE}/default; do pushd $d >/dev/null for f in $(ls stage3*${EXTENSIONS} | grep -v latest | give_latest_from_dates ) ; do of=${f/20[0-9][0-9].[0-9]/latest} # for 20XX.Y stuff of=${of/20[0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-9][0-9]/latest} # for $ ln -sf $f $of done popd >/dev/null done } post_build() { mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/empty cmd=( rsync -e 'ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa' -a --omit-dir-times --delay-updates ) "${cmd[@]}" ${TMPDIR}/empty ${DEST} "${cmd[@]}" \ ${BUILD_SRCDIR_BASE}/builds/default/stage3-*${DATESTAMP}*${EXTENSIONS}* \ ${BUILD_SRCDIR_BASE}/builds/default/*${DATESTAMP}*.iso* \ sparc@nightheron.gentoo.org: }